Thoughts on September 11th
Do you remember where you were and what you were doing on September 11, 2001? For those of us old enough to remember, we recall exactly where we were 22 years ago, and what we were doing as we witnessed the worst terrorist attack our country has ever experienced on U.S. soil. We remember the events and the horrific aftermath, because our world as we knew it had changed forever.
Those who perpetrated the attack and/or supported the cause behind it would prefer we forget what happened and that we continue to live our everyday lives. But our country will “NEVER FORGET!”
Every year as September 11th nears, WE AGAIN REMEMBER. How can we not? We remember to honor the innocent lives that were lost that day and over the years that followed. We continue to remember them because they were our fellow countrymen – and we are Americans, we are resilient, and we are strong. We remember because we pledged to NEVER FORGET!
9/11 taught us many lessons. We learned about fear and hatred of our freedom by those near and far and how fleeting life truly is. How it can be taken from us and our loved ones in the blink of an eye. We also learned how we, when we are united as a nation, are a strong, righteous, benevolent, generous and unstoppable– the greatest country this world has ever known!
On the anniversary of September 11th, an official National Day of Service and Remembrance, please continue to remember the lives that were lost, the effects on the lives of those left behind, the selfless heroes who emerged in the chaos, how many sacrificed, and how we as Americans came together as one in the aftermath.
Finally, always remember to hug your loved ones tight, on this day and every day!
God bless you and your families – and may God continue to bless the United States of America!